BIM and Offsite – the perfect match for seamless project delivery

4th September, 2023

Offsite and BIM technologies are two aspects of construction frequently proclaimed as holding the key to the industry's more efficient, sustainable and digital future – but what happens when the two come together? Read on as Craig Johnson, Business Development Manager at Trimble, explores more…

In many ways, BIM and Offsite are perfect partners. With a BIM workflow, the value and benefits of Offsite that we are already seeing can now be leveraged and pushed even further, helping contractors to deliver offsite projects to an even higher standard and produce a new generation of sustainable and impressive buildings.

Perhaps the main value of offsite construction is the enhanced level of control it offers clients and contractors – invaluable as we consider a construction industry that has an increasingly fragmented workforce, material price rises, stringent building regulations and a push on sustainability. A key enabler of this control is having and leveraging data correctly, with a streamlined flow of constructible data running from the beginning to the very end of a project, and BIM software and other digital technology at its heart.

"Quality is key within MMC; it's all about bringing factory quality products and components into the construction site setting. And modelling tools and model-based software are a key part of achieving this." – Design & Consultancy

With BIM software, such as Tekla's constructible modelling solutions, manufacturers, detailers and contractors can have confidence in the accuracy and reliability of their data. The 3D environment offers enhanced visibility, in turn ensuring high levels of precision and exact coordination, enabling contractors and fabricators to meet the tight tolerances required.

"The benefit of BIM on offsite projects is huge, with the ability to easily check, verify and compare information to ensure it's correct, before you progress to fabrication. When you know the data you are using is correct and constructible, the overall project delivery is a lot simpler and more straightforward. It makes you more confident in your design, with the ability to see instantly if there's any discrepancies or issues and be able to resolve those effectively." - Frameclad

In many ways, Tekla can also provide a digital rehearsal of the works, with teams able to consider not just the structural design but also the logistics of the transportation, installation and assembly. The focus goes beyond just detailing the components to also include consideration of the fabrication and on-site erection, ensuring the structure is being designed in a way that is best for everyone – in other words, taking a Design for Manufacture & Assembly Approach (DfMA).

"You get to construct it twice: once in the digital environment and once on site. From accuracy at the detailing phase through to on-site coordination, Tekla software comes into play at every stage and feeds into our VDC (Virtual Design and Construction) processes." – Sigmat

Another value of BIM for offsite is the interoperability of software and technology. Done correctly with an openBIM approach, data from the 3D model can be fed into the factory machinery for a truly automated and streamlined fabrication workflow. Looking towards the future and the rise of smart machinery presents the potential for fully automated manufacturing lines, with minimal manual input required following the sign off of the model and significant productivity gains as a result.

"When it comes to fabrication, we're able to upload the CNC files from the Tekla Structures model directly into the factory and use this data to programme our machinery. When processing stud and track profiles, for example, the machines will use the model data to correctly profile it, cut it to specification, drill the holes, etc. Fully automated, this enables our steel frame fabrications to be carried out to extremely high levels of accuracy – to within 2mm." – Sigmat

For more information, please click here. Or come along to the Trimble stand at Offsite Expo (D07).

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