Patented Timber Frame Build Systems - Beattie Passive

Project Details

Project - Patented Timber Frame Build Systems

Sector - Commercial

Technology - Timber

Company - Beattie Passive

Project Overview

It's no secret that the built environment is responsible for almost 40% of GHG emissions worldwide. It has become abundantly clear that unless we change the way we construct and operate our buildings, we're heading towards a total global climate catastrophe. In the UK, we're also in the midst of a chronic housing and homelessness crisis. To compound these issues further still, we're also experiencing an unprecedented cost of living crisis, with spiralling fuel costs pushing more people into fuel poverty.

So what's the solution to these enormous environmental and economic challenges? At Beattie Passive, our solution is Passivhaus, delivered at pace and scale using offsite
design, manufacture and delivery methods. Our patented and sustainable timber frame build system is certified by the Passivhaus Institut and provides a practical solution to all these challenges and more. Since the concept was first pioneered by Dr Wolfgang Feist over 30 years ago, Passivhaus has grown to become the de-facto gold standard for energy efficient homes in the UK and worldwide.

And since its own inception in 2010, Beattie Passive has delivered over 400 energy efficient, low carbon, timber framed homes built to the Passivhaus standard. We have continually refined our timber frame system over the years to make it incredibly easy to build. As a result, the system continues to deliver tremendous, transformative social value in the community via our Flying Factory construction partnerships and Training Academies. Recent Beattie Passive projects that have been delivered with our Flying Factory partners have involved prison rehabilitation schemes, apprenticeships and community initiatives. The Beattie Passive timber frame build system has revolutionised the delivery of housing. By building offsite, we can expedite the speed and scale at which we can build high performance, thermally efficient homes, enabling us to reduce homelessness while still meeting our ambitious net zero aspirations.

Our timber frame system delivers a host of benefits:

• 80% reduction in heating and cooling requirements

• Higher levels of fire safety, soundproofing, thermal efficiency and airtightness

• Flood and Radon gas protection

• CO2 emissions can be cut entirely via renewable energy (PVs)

• Fast construction, fast installation

• Only needs semi-skilled labour with minimal training

• Employs local contractors and local supply chains – keeping economic benefits local

• High quality building delivered every time - fit for the future.

In summary, the Beattie Passive system is literally built around timber. It delivers superb structural and thermal performance with the lowest levels of embodied carbon of any mainstream building material.